2-year law school

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 07.13.16

* NO-NO-NO-NOTORIOUS! Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg continued her verbal assault against presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, calling him a "faker" with "no consistency," even after the would-be world leader referred to her as a "disgrace to the court." [CNN] * The only person who's a winner at Nixon Peabody right now is this former associate: After 7 years of litigation, Noah Doolittle, an ex-associate who sued the firm over the size of the less-than-lucrative bonus he received after landing a major client, has finally won his case. The firm could now be forced to make a payout of close to $1 million. Ouch! [Daily Record (sub. req.)] * We could be wrong, but something tells us associates at this firm probably won't be receiving the $180K salaries they might have been hoping for. Dan Radler, the incoming managing partner of Quarles & Brady, says he's "not a proponent of giving across-the-board raises to associates" -- he thinks raises should be earned. [Big Law Business] * Cosby sweaters didn't fit in with this firm's flip-flops: Contrary to prior reports, Quinn Emanuel left comedian Bill Cosby high and dry after withdrawing from his defense in the civil suits that have been lodged against him as well as his criminal case. Los Angeles-based Liner will take over Cosby's civil cases. [The Recorder via Philadelphia Inquirer] * Albany Law School has announced a new program that will allow students to receive their law degrees in two years. Unlike many of the two-year law degree programs that are being offered at other schools, Albany Law is only charging prospective students for two years' worth of schooling, not three. Congratulations on making sense! [ABA Journal]